Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Problems Of The Women In Current World Essay

The Problems Of The Women In Current World - Essay Example Research has been done on the present situation of the wage gap in the US in the last decade and the improvements made in the last 30 to 40 after the enforcement of equal wages acts and the women’s movement in mid 20th century. Women are still considered as second-grade custody workers in various job sectors. A decade ago in the US, the women were still being paid low as compared to the men for the same job that they were doing. Women caretakers and cleaners have a salary widely disparate from that of men and all because of gender difference. A salary gap of 8000 US dollars separated the women’s yearly income (22000 US Dollars) form the men’s yearly income (30000 US Dollars). (Barko 1) Even after 5 decades since the enforcement of the Equal Payment Act of 1963, American women earned 74 cents for every dollar earned by men, according to the study published jointly by the AFL-CIO and The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), Washington (Barko 1). An increase in the wages of women task force employed across different industry sectors and in different categories would bring more than 50 % of low-income dual-earner and single-mother households above the poverty line. The recent study has challenged the age-old argument of lesser industry experience, childbearing time off and child rearing time off supporting the low income of women stating that 43 % of wage gap remains unexplained. After the industrial revolution in the late 19th and early 20th century, many new fields of work emerged and the professional world witnessed a boom. New posts were created, new organizations came into existence and new business lines became viable profit-making options.

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