Monday, December 9, 2019

Organisational Creativity and

Question: Discuss about theOrganisational Creativity and Innovation for Apple Inc. Answer: Introduction Apple Inc. is one of the biggest IT firms in the world and in the business of developing, designing and selling of consumer electronics, software and online services (Norman Verganti, 2014). This company is known for its innovation and the approach it has for innovations. Simplicity in use has been its trade mark. This report highlights the ways in which innovation and strategy go hand in hand in this company. It also showcases the approach it has taken for understanding the needs of the customers and hence staying ahead in competition. It also discuss about the culture at the Apple that helps them in innovation as well as the impact that Steve jobs had on the firm and innovation process. Way in which innovation and strategy works together The ways of understanding the requirements of the people and doing innovation as per the future requirements of the industry helps them in becoming the market leader (Wonglimpiyarat, 2012). It is known for its innovation that helps in fulfilling its strategy. The brand value that Apple has created is just because there strategies revolve around the innovation they want for their future. What differentiates this company from their other competitors is that Apple innovate things as per the strategy it has made for their future. These innovations helps them to achieve these strategies that why they both go together. There platform strategy benefited the company in terms of innovation (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). Approach of Innovation that Apple adopted Apple Inc. has a great commitment towards understanding the ways in which consumers uses electronic products. They have a great desire to develop the devices as per the future requirement of the industry (Heracleous, 2013). They do not just follow the old traditions of making thinks but they take a different root. This can be seen in the case of Mac where they did not put diskette which was considered to be essential. In the initial stage it was considered to be an insane step but later this was followed by their other competitors. Other example is the use of Aluminium in their devices instead of stainless steel. All these things helped them in staying ahead in the competition. Most of their competitors understand lately the things it has done years before and then they start following Apple which gives them strategic edge over their competitors. They understands what their consumers wants from their next products, eliminates all those things that does not adds value in the minds of consumers. They do it by using participatory design strategy where they involve customers in designing of software (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). This company does an extensive market research so as to understand the requirements of the people and then brings changes in their next product that no one could imagine. Bringing computers for the normal people for their use which was once considered to be an impossible task at that time was a result of this approach which gave them success. The innovations like Mac and I-pads or I-pods revolutionised the industry as it completely transformed the technology that was in use (Haussler, 2011). They apply lot of creativity and ingenuity on the design side and the pushes their researchers to use the innovation and creativity to make things work for them. Their approach to approach was more complex than just designing exciting products (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). Role of people in coming up with the innovative products Apple hires one of the best talents in the world. This has helped them in their innovation campaigns. Their top leadership plays an important role in this regards. Most of the leaders either Steve Jobs or Tim cook were innovators. This develops the culture there that promotes innovation. The working culture there is not just to make products but rather they do it after researching what can be good for the future and what must be removed. Any idea at Apple is welcomed and is discussed in front of the top leadership. This helps them in having an internal competition were the best ideas comes out for development and designing of their products. Their culture of innovation refuses to recognise any limits. Their working culture provides autonomy, flexibility and discretion to their employees (Ndjami, 2014). Their culture welcomes openness and they are not afraid to meet failures in innovation. This helps the people of the company to think beyond limits and hence they are continuously come s up with new technologies. Impacts Steve Jobs had on the Apple Inc. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of the company and was considered as one of the best innovators of his time. Steve jobs returned to the company after so many years and made changes in the approach of thinking (Nachtigall, 2011). This helped the company in innovating products beyond their limits. Steve jobs focused on the design simplicity and his sensibility towards even the smallest things like packaging made it achieve its objectives. His understanding of the market and notion of design-as-product-integrity helped Apple in reenergising their whole innovation process. On his return to Apple in 1997, Steve jobs stopped licensing program, closed two divisions, eliminated 70% of the new projects, facilities were shut down, manufacturing were moved abroad, changed the distribution system and launched the website for direct sales (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). He himself took the charge of innovation process (Proctor Bicknell, 2012). His vision about the company drives the company in their des ign and development. His view of putting consumers first helped comp any reach to the heights were it is present now. He wanted to keep process simple. He advocated for innovating things in a way that it remains simple and approachable. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that Apple has made their strategies and innovation to go hand in hand. Their approach of innovation to making things that is simpler but beyond what is in fashion. Its culture promoted their employees in innovating devices as per the need of the market. Apple provides flexibility and autonomy to their employees and also they do not fear from being failed. This type of culture helped the engineers to think beyond. The role of Steve Jobs in transforming the innovation approach helped Apple in reaching to where it is today. This helped them in staying ahead of their competitors. Steve Jobs had a great understanding of the market and hence promoted process and innovation that is simple and approachable. References Haussler, P. (2011) How Apple Breaks All The Rules of an Innovation Culture. [Online]. Retrieved from: Heracleous, L. (2013). Quantum strategy at apple inc. Organizational Dynamics, 42(2), 92-99. Nachtigall, G. R. (2011). Technological innovations in apple production. Technical report. Technological innovations in apple production. Technical report. Ndjami, B. J. I. (2014). The reasons behind the rise of Apple Inc. Norman, D. A., Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research vs. technology and meaning change. Design issues, 30(1), 78-96. Proctor, N., Bicknell, T. (2012). Apple After Steve Jobs, Re: Museums. Curator: The Museum Journal, 55(4), 479-485. Thomke, S. H., Feinberg, B. (2012). Design thinking and innovation at Apple. Harvard Business School Publishing. Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2012). Technology strategies and standard competitionComparative innovation cases of Apple and Microsoft. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 23(2), 90-102.

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