Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Life After Good Essay Topics for High School

Life After Good Essay Topics for High School Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to folks who are really interested in how you'll take care of the subsequent four years all on your own. Planning is critical in any sort of home task, from building a powerpoint presentation to supplying American Government homework help to your friend. Good Essay Topics for High School Fundamentals Explained On the opposite side, acquiring a list of good persuasive essay topics is insufficient. Persuasive essays are an excellent means to encourage the reader to check at a particular topic in a different light. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you can counter to your own points. Taking into account that lots of persuasive essays concern controversial topics, before writing, you might want to sit down and think of what your opinion on the topic actually is. Share your understanding of schools that you think might be a great fit and with which students might not be familiar. Accordingly, it's only wise if students are encouraged to graduation from high schools since it's the sole way they are certain to live much better lives. Plenty of students put on a uniform. School tests aren't powerful. How to Choose Good Essay Topics for High School School should occur in the evenings. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. Every American should learn how to speak Spanish. He should learn to speak English. Good Essay Topics for High School and Good Essay Topics for High School - The Perfect Combination Nobody really wishes to compose an essay. Researching the topic will enable you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. You could be given the topic straight away by your professor, or you could be free to pick the topic yourself. Choosing great essay topics for middle school mus t be a careful procedure, where a balance must be struck between topics that might be too simplistic, more fit for the key school, and choosing argumentative essay topics that can be too intricate or controversial. Categories, essay topics could be divided into. With all these topics covered over and over, it's sometimes more effective to alter the topic a bit to make it a bit different. Controversial topics work nicely for speeches and essays, since they typically evoke strong opinions on either side. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. The Do's and Don'ts of Good Essay Topics for High School Year round school isn't a good idea. It has never been simpler to acquire inspiration and tips for your next school assignment than at TopicsMill! It is preferable to grow up in a family with a lot of brothers and sisters. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. In case the matter is personal, that's simple to do. If you can select the matter by yourself, it's possible to produce the issue of interest! When you are requested to select a great topic for your argument, s tart with something you're familiarized with. As a consequence of persuasive essays not being strictly informative (with the specific exception in the prior paragraph being the sole exception), they need to always take a formal tone. Bear in mind you can make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to somebody else. Additionally, you wish to go for an essay topic that's going to let you demonstrate your skills to the best of your ability. Select a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make certain you know a lot about it! Understanding Good Essay Topics for High School You always intuitively understand once an intriguing essay idea is in fact the very best idea for you. All you need to do is select the category or kind of essay that you're assigned to write for school. At length, if you are going to write and essay but have very little knowledge or interest in the topic, remember that there are lots of custom essay writers which will gladly do the task for you. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most essential issue to do is to select a topic and an argument that you may really get behind. The kind of the essay needs to be decided before formulating the thesis and writing thesis statement being they must match the kind of the attempt. If you're authentic, nobody can write the very same essay as you! In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration - 1710 Words

Illegal Immigration in the US What does illegal immigration mean to a hardworking, middle class worker providing for a family of four? What does illegal immigration mean to someone who is getting jobs taken right underneath them from illegal immigrants that are willing to work the same job for a lower paycheck? Illegal immigration is an epidemic occurring in the United States of America, the land of the free (to the legal citizens). There are many reasons why immigration is harmful and in some cases non harmful. Illegal immigration has a wide variety of negative effects to the United States. Illegal immigration brings criminals into the country, illegal immigrants brings non-violent people that are in search for jobs, and then illegal immigrants are taking US citizens jobs at a lower cost, Immigration opens the doors to many possibilities, from religious freedom to doing to the best colleges in the world. According to the article â€Å"Push and Pull Factors†, a reason for illegal immigration is people are getting persecuted from their beliefs and they want to go somewhere where they can practice their beliefs without any interruptions from the government. Many people flee from countries in the Middle East to have rights so they can practice their beliefs. In the Bill of Rights, the first amendment backs up the freedom of religion. If a person is born in the US they have the right to practice any religion that they desire. That is an attraction from to the Land of theShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants955 Words   |  4 PagesIllegal Immigration Problems In the United States, there are roughly eleven million people who can be classified as illegal immigrants, which is by far way too many. When it comes to the history of illegal immigrants, most United States citizens could be considered as an illegal immigrant. In the early years of American history, our ancestors fled into this country for better life styles and to start their own families. During this time there were not laws dealing with who could and could not enterRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration1627 Words   |  7 PagesIllegal Immigration in the US What does illegal immigration mean to a hard working, middle class worker providing for a family of four? What does illegal immigration mean to someone who is getting jobs taken right underneath them from illegal immigrants that are willing to work the same job for a lower paycheck? What does illegal immigration mean to someone who is in need for a job? Illegal immigration is an epidemic occurring in the United States of America, the land of the free (to the legal citizens)Read MoreIllegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants949 Words   |  4 PagesIllegal immigrants have been a hot topic lately due to the popularity of this topic amongst the Republican Presidential Nominees, especially Donald Trump. These illegal immigrants bring various things to this country when they come. Some things are positive, such as a family simply seeking to find a better life, while some things are harmful to the United States, such as the amount of crime among illegal immigrants. In July 2015, the most re cent estimate of illegal immigrants was 11.2 million. ThisRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1100 Words   |  5 PagesIllegal immigration Over the past few years illegal immigration has become a bigger problem. Statistics reveal that more and more immigrants are entering the country illegally by crossing the borders. If something is not done soon, this may get out of hand and be to gone far not to handle. The number of illegal immigrants have gone up over the past years drastically In 2011, there were 40 million immigrants in the U.S. Of that 11.1 million were illegal. Although the number of illegalRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration1155 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people’s perspectives illegal immigrants come here to help provide for their family and don’t takeRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1902 Words   |  8 PagesSince the 1980s, the US government has undertaken initiatives to make its borders more non-porous to illegal immigration from its neighboring countries. The menace of illegal immigrants seeking better opportunities in the USA started reflecting in the 1970s. The migrating people are motivated by the better non-skilled or semi-skilled employment opportunities in the USA and the relatively higher remuneration for se rvices rendered in the USA than in the neighbor countries especially Mexico (HansonRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1286 Words   |  6 Pages Undocumented Immigration An analysis of illegal immigration in the United States reveals one challenge facing the banks and other institutions: whether to provide banking and other services to the illegal immigrants or to treat them as criminals because they are illegal and therefore, not to provide them with banking and other services. The articles, â€Å"Crossing the Line† by Stein and â€Å"Illegal Immigrants – They’re Money,† by Rodriguez discuss the impact of illegal immigration in the United StatesRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants1335 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has been one of the main topics during the last three presidential election. Many bills and laws have been passed in order to keep them out but is it really necessary to neglect illegal immigrant? Most Americans believe that illegal immigrants are only people of Mexicans or Latin American descent but illegal immigrants can be from any race or country. Illegal immigration is defined by United States Department of Homeland Security as â€Å"†¦ all foreign-born non-citizens who are notRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration964 Words   |  4 Pages Attention Step (quotation, question, or story) About four months ago in government class, we had a class discussion. The topic was illegal immigration. One student said that America should send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American’s jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the student. When it wasRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1044 Words   |  5 Pagesmany Americans take for granted. Many of the illegal immigrants come to America where they hope to obtain the freedom that is not given in their country. There is a serious problem with the immigration policy: it is very difficult for immigrants to become an actual U.S. citizen. If the policy were to be readjusted, and the length of time the immigrant has to live in the United States before they can become a citizen were to be shortened, illegal immigratio n could be slowed or even stopped. According

Monday, December 9, 2019

Organisational Creativity and

Question: Discuss about theOrganisational Creativity and Innovation for Apple Inc. Answer: Introduction Apple Inc. is one of the biggest IT firms in the world and in the business of developing, designing and selling of consumer electronics, software and online services (Norman Verganti, 2014). This company is known for its innovation and the approach it has for innovations. Simplicity in use has been its trade mark. This report highlights the ways in which innovation and strategy go hand in hand in this company. It also showcases the approach it has taken for understanding the needs of the customers and hence staying ahead in competition. It also discuss about the culture at the Apple that helps them in innovation as well as the impact that Steve jobs had on the firm and innovation process. Way in which innovation and strategy works together The ways of understanding the requirements of the people and doing innovation as per the future requirements of the industry helps them in becoming the market leader (Wonglimpiyarat, 2012). It is known for its innovation that helps in fulfilling its strategy. The brand value that Apple has created is just because there strategies revolve around the innovation they want for their future. What differentiates this company from their other competitors is that Apple innovate things as per the strategy it has made for their future. These innovations helps them to achieve these strategies that why they both go together. There platform strategy benefited the company in terms of innovation (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). Approach of Innovation that Apple adopted Apple Inc. has a great commitment towards understanding the ways in which consumers uses electronic products. They have a great desire to develop the devices as per the future requirement of the industry (Heracleous, 2013). They do not just follow the old traditions of making thinks but they take a different root. This can be seen in the case of Mac where they did not put diskette which was considered to be essential. In the initial stage it was considered to be an insane step but later this was followed by their other competitors. Other example is the use of Aluminium in their devices instead of stainless steel. All these things helped them in staying ahead in the competition. Most of their competitors understand lately the things it has done years before and then they start following Apple which gives them strategic edge over their competitors. They understands what their consumers wants from their next products, eliminates all those things that does not adds value in the minds of consumers. They do it by using participatory design strategy where they involve customers in designing of software (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). This company does an extensive market research so as to understand the requirements of the people and then brings changes in their next product that no one could imagine. Bringing computers for the normal people for their use which was once considered to be an impossible task at that time was a result of this approach which gave them success. The innovations like Mac and I-pads or I-pods revolutionised the industry as it completely transformed the technology that was in use (Haussler, 2011). They apply lot of creativity and ingenuity on the design side and the pushes their researchers to use the innovation and creativity to make things work for them. Their approach to approach was more complex than just designing exciting products (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). Role of people in coming up with the innovative products Apple hires one of the best talents in the world. This has helped them in their innovation campaigns. Their top leadership plays an important role in this regards. Most of the leaders either Steve Jobs or Tim cook were innovators. This develops the culture there that promotes innovation. The working culture there is not just to make products but rather they do it after researching what can be good for the future and what must be removed. Any idea at Apple is welcomed and is discussed in front of the top leadership. This helps them in having an internal competition were the best ideas comes out for development and designing of their products. Their culture of innovation refuses to recognise any limits. Their working culture provides autonomy, flexibility and discretion to their employees (Ndjami, 2014). Their culture welcomes openness and they are not afraid to meet failures in innovation. This helps the people of the company to think beyond limits and hence they are continuously come s up with new technologies. Impacts Steve Jobs had on the Apple Inc. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of the company and was considered as one of the best innovators of his time. Steve jobs returned to the company after so many years and made changes in the approach of thinking (Nachtigall, 2011). This helped the company in innovating products beyond their limits. Steve jobs focused on the design simplicity and his sensibility towards even the smallest things like packaging made it achieve its objectives. His understanding of the market and notion of design-as-product-integrity helped Apple in reenergising their whole innovation process. On his return to Apple in 1997, Steve jobs stopped licensing program, closed two divisions, eliminated 70% of the new projects, facilities were shut down, manufacturing were moved abroad, changed the distribution system and launched the website for direct sales (Thomke Feinberg, 2012). He himself took the charge of innovation process (Proctor Bicknell, 2012). His vision about the company drives the company in their des ign and development. His view of putting consumers first helped comp any reach to the heights were it is present now. He wanted to keep process simple. He advocated for innovating things in a way that it remains simple and approachable. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that Apple has made their strategies and innovation to go hand in hand. Their approach of innovation to making things that is simpler but beyond what is in fashion. Its culture promoted their employees in innovating devices as per the need of the market. Apple provides flexibility and autonomy to their employees and also they do not fear from being failed. This type of culture helped the engineers to think beyond. The role of Steve Jobs in transforming the innovation approach helped Apple in reaching to where it is today. This helped them in staying ahead of their competitors. Steve Jobs had a great understanding of the market and hence promoted process and innovation that is simple and approachable. References Haussler, P. (2011) How Apple Breaks All The Rules of an Innovation Culture. [Online]. Retrieved from: Heracleous, L. (2013). Quantum strategy at apple inc. Organizational Dynamics, 42(2), 92-99. Nachtigall, G. R. (2011). Technological innovations in apple production. Technical report. Technological innovations in apple production. Technical report. Ndjami, B. J. I. (2014). The reasons behind the rise of Apple Inc. Norman, D. A., Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research vs. technology and meaning change. Design issues, 30(1), 78-96. Proctor, N., Bicknell, T. (2012). Apple After Steve Jobs, Re: Museums. Curator: The Museum Journal, 55(4), 479-485. Thomke, S. H., Feinberg, B. (2012). Design thinking and innovation at Apple. Harvard Business School Publishing. Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2012). Technology strategies and standard competitionComparative innovation cases of Apple and Microsoft. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 23(2), 90-102.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Importance of Physical Education free essay sample

An examination of the benefit of physical education in building correct motor skills in children. This paper discusses the development of motor skills for appropriate ages and discerns the benefits of a physical education program for developing these skills. It also demonstrates the direct connection between physical education programs and the proper and full development of motor skills in contemporary society, with reference to some specific programs that have been developed and utilized to achieve this objective. Physical education is often given a secondary place in the educational services of our schools, as if it were a good thing but one that could be dispensed with if necessary. In truth, physical education is an essential component of childhood development. Consider just the development of motor skills in young children and how this is effected and improved by a program of physical education in schools. Children do develop motor skills naturally through activity and play, but physical education programs help channel childhood energy and assure that these necessary skills are acquired and honed. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Physical Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is more important in a more sedentary era such as we live in today, a time when many children engage in less after-school play on their own and so need the concentrated activity a physical education program provides.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Razed to the Ground

Razed to the Ground Razed to the Ground Razed to the Ground By Simon Kewin The web site reports that many monasteries were raised to the ground by Viking raiders during the reign of King Ethelred I. But how can a monastery be raised to the ground? Although commonly seen on the web, the phrase â€Å"raised to the ground† is almost always a misspelling of â€Å"razed to the ground†. Whilst it is possible for something to be â€Å"raised† to the ground, it would, logically, have to be below the surface beforehand. Miners could raise ore to the ground. But when talking about a building or a city the phrase should be razed to the ground. Raze which sounds the same as raise but is a completely distinct word is defined by the Compact Oxford Dictionary as follows : raze (also rase) verb, tear down and destroy (a building, town, etc.). - ORIGIN Old French raser ‘shave closely’, from Latin radere ‘scrape’. The more familiar raise, however, is from a completely different root : verb, lift or move to a higher position or level etc. - ORIGIN Old Norse, related to REAR. As an aside, raise can also be a noun, meaning an increase in salary, although this is standard only in US English. In UK English this would be called a rise. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?26 Feel-Good Words20 Criminal Terms You Should Know

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blackbeard the Pirate - Edward Teach

Blackbeard the Pirate - Edward Teach Blackbeard - Early Life: The man who became Blackbeard appears to have been born in or around Bristol, England around 1680. While most sources indicate that his name was Edward Teach, various spellings such as Thatch, Tack, and Theache were used during his career. Also, as many pirates used aliases it is possible that Blackbeards real name is unknown. It is believed that he arrived in the Caribbean as a merchant sailor in the last years of the 17th century before settling on Jamaica. Some sources also indicate that he sailed as a British privateer during Queen Annes War (1702-1713). Blackbeard - Turning to the Pirates Life: Following the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Teach moved to the pirate haven of New Providence in the Bahamas. Three years later, he appears to have joined the crew of pirate Captain Benjamin Hornigold. Demonstrating skill, Teach was soon placed in command of a sloop. In early 1717, they successfully operated out of New Providence capturing several ships. That September, they met with Stede Bonnet. A landowner turned pirate, the inexperienced Bonnet had recently been wounded in an engagement with a Spanish ship. Talking with the other pirates, he agreed to temporarily let Teach command his ship, Revenge. Sailing with three ships, the pirates continued to have success that fall. Despite this, Hornigolds crew became dissatisfied with his leadership and by the end of the year he was forced to retire. Pressing on with Revenge and a sloop, Teach captured the French guineaman La Concorde on November 28 off St. Vincent. Discharging its cargo of slaves, he converted it into his flagship and renamed it Queen Annes Revenge. Mounting 32-40 guns, Queen Annes Revenge soon saw action as Teach continued capturing ships. Taking the sloop Margaret on December 5, Teach released the crew a short time later. Returning to St. Kitts, Margarets captain, Henry Bostock, detailed his capture to Governor Walter Hamilton. In making his report, Bostock described Teach as having a long black beard. This identifying feature soon gave the pirate his nickname Blackbeard. In an effort to look more fearsome, Teach later braided the beard and took to wearing lit matches under his hat. Continuing to cruise the Caribbean, Teach captured the sloop Adventure off Belize in March 1718 which was added to his small fleet. Moving north and taking ships, Teach passed Havana and moved up the Florida coast. Blackbeard - The Blockade of Charleston: Arriving off Charleston, SC in May 1718, Teach effectively blockaded the harbor. Stopping and plundering nine ships in the first week, he took several prisoners before demanding that the city provide him with medical supplies for his men. The citys leaders agreed and Teach sent a party ashore. After some delay, his men returned with the supplies. Upholding his promise, Teach released his prisoners and departed. While at Charleston, Teach learned that Woodes Rogers had departed England with a large fleet and orders to sweep pirates from the Caribbean. Blackbeard - A Bad Time at Beaufort: Sailing north, Teach headed for Topsail (Beaufort) Inlet, NC to refit and careen his ships. On entering the inlet, Queen Annes Revenge struck a sandbar and was badly damaged. In trying to free the ship, Adventure was also lost. Left with only Revenge and a captured Spanish sloop, Teach pushed into the inlet. One of Bonnets men later testified that Teach intentionally ran Queen Annes Revenge aground and some have speculated that the pirate leader was seeking to reduce his crew in order to increase his share of the plunder. During this period, Teach also learned of the offer of a royal pardon to all pirates who surrendered before September 5, 1718. Though tempted he was concerned as it only cleared pirates for crimes committed prior to January 5, 1718 and thus would not pardon him for his actions off Charleston. Though most authorities typically would waive such conditions, Teach remained skeptical. Believing that Governor Charles Eden of North Carolina could be trusted, he dispatched Bonnet to Bath, NC as a test. Arriving, Bonnet was duly pardoned and planned to return to Topsail to collect Revenge before sailing for St. Thomas. Blackbeard - A Brief Retirement: Arriving, Bonnet found that Teach had departed in a sloop after plundering Revenge and marooning part of his crew. Sailing in search of Teach, Bonnet returned to piracy and was captured that September. Having departed Topsail, Teach sailed for Bath where he accepted a pardon in June 1718. Anchoring his sloop, which he named Adventure, in Ocracoke Inlet, he settled in Bath. Though encouraged to seek a privateers commission by Eden, Teach soon returned to piracy and operated around Delaware Bay. Later taking two French ships, he kept one and returned to Ocracoke. Arriving, he told Eden that he had found the ship abandoned at sea and an Admiralty court soon confirmed Teachs claim. With Adventure anchored in Ocracoke, Teach entertained fellow pirate Charles Vane who had escaped Rogers fleet in the Caribbean. New of this meeting of pirates soon spread through the colonies causing fear. While Pennsylvania dispatched ships to capture them, the Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, became equally concerned. Arresting William Howard, the former quartermaster on Queen Annes Revenge, he obtained key information regarding Teachs whereabouts. Blackbeard - Last Stand: Believing that Teach presence in the region presented a crisis, Spotswood financed an operation to capture the notorious pirate. While the captains of HMS Lyme and HMS Pearl were to take forces overland to Bath, Lieutenant Robert Maynard was to sail south to Ocracoke with two armed sloops, Jane and Ranger. On November 21, 1718, Maynard located Adventure anchored inside Ocracoke Island. The next morning, his two sloops entered the channel and were spotted by Teach. Coming under fire from Adventure, Ranger was badly damaged and played no further role. While the progression of the battle is uncertain, at some point Adventure ran aground. Closing, Maynard hid the majority of his crew below before coming alongside Adventure. Swarming aboard with his men, Teach was taken by surprise when Maynards men sprung up from below. In the melee that followed, Teach engaged Maynard and broke the British officers sword. Attacked by Maynards men, Teach received five gunshot wounds and was stabbed at least twenty times before falling dead. With the loss of their leader, the remaining pirates quickly surrendered. Cutting Teachs head from his body, Maynard ordered it suspended from Janes bowsprit. The rest of the pirates body was thrown overboard. Though known as one of the most fearsome pirates to sail the waters of North America and the Caribbean, there are no verified accounts of Teach having harmed or killed any of his captives. Selected Sources National Geographic: Blackbeard LivesQueen Annes Revenge

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Letter to the Editor Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Letter to the Editor - Annotated Bibliography Example If any sick person may be cured from the hospital then he may get frustrated by viewing the hospital bills. It seems that the insurance companies and the hospitals are jointly aiming for the profit maximization for them. This issue is actually the dark side of these health care insurance policies. The writer in his letter to the editor asks for highlight this issue and then also pin pointing the possible solutions for it. If we talk about the effectiveness of the letter and the selected words then I must say that the letter highlights one of the top most controversial issues of the present times. These insurance companies are actually playing with the emotions of the people. The insurance agents actually force people to buy these insurance policies by portraying a bright and eye-catching future in their minds and perceptions (Brighton 1). The letter clearly identifies the dark side of these health care insurance policies and the advantage to the companies and the hospitals and the problems for the individuals. According to the letter, these insurance agents usually do not clarify the terms and conditions of the policies and then at the time of any incident they may take advantage of it. I must say that it is reality. Sometimes the insurance agents may not clarify and sometimes the conditions are so vague or complicated that the buyer may not clearly understand them. This misunderstanding may create p roblems in the afterwards for the individuals. Usually consumers are compelled to buy any emergency plan and here the physicians are feeling ill to clarify the details conditions of the insurance policy. In this situation, the consumer may not have any other option and just buy the policy, which afterwards create problems. The writer of the letter says that actually the consumer have to pay extra amount for the health care policies which is very much

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Is it better for student to take a loan or to save money Case Study

Is it better for student to take a loan or to save money - Case Study Example Tuition fee takes the greater share of the loan before other expenses such as books, housing and this is a huge burned to the student. In some cases, the loan increases when the student has to repay with interest. This tends to be cumbersome for any student since it accumulates to the extent that it becomes difficult repaying. Economists argue that student’s loans should be interest free and subsidized to facilitate recovery (Christie 2015). Secondly, repayment of student loans can last for many decades, and it becomes a burden to the student (Shen 2010). It ties a student in a debt for a longer period hence can miss many opportunities that come to those who do not have debts. Economists argue that it makes it hard for students to build up an emergency savings account, and they cannot save money for retirement (Christie 2015). This is mostly in cases when a student has to pay the loan for a longer period of 15-25 years. Students who save do not have such burdens and are relieved. Thirdly, taking a loan can run a student’s credit history (Shen 2010). Students who default to pay their loans stand higher chances of blacklisting hence unable to get employment or borrow money from the financial institutions. Similarly, inability to pay the loan within the stipulated time harms the students because it affects the credit history making it prolongs the expected duration of clearance. Thoma (2015), an economist argues that student should not take loan they are unable to pay because it puts them into unintended debt. Additionally, student loans must be repaid with or without graduating (Shen 2010). This is very dangerous to students who do not graduate and lacks job opportunities. It forces them to look for the money elsewhere, hence putting pressure on them. Thoma (2015) notes that it becomes hard for people who do not have a stable income or earning less to repay such

Sunday, November 17, 2019

European History World War I Essay Example for Free

European History World War I Essay The focal point of this essay is to evaluate and analyze the position of female nurses in World War I. The paper overall could be enumerated about the impact of World War I on the home front to the countries involving especially women. For the purpose references would be taken from predominantly four books. The first one is It’s a long way to Tipperary: British and Irish Nurses in the Great War by Yvonne McEwen and the second one used in this paper is Nurses at the Front: Writing the Wounds of the Great War by Margaret R. Â  Higonnet. The third and fourth book used for this paper would be The woman of Royaumount: A Scottish women’s hospital on the western front by Eileen Crofton and War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa by Joshua S. Goldstein. Apart from all these an article by Margaret H. Darrow would also be used that was published in the American Historical Review Vol. 101, No 1 in February 1996 titled French Volunteer Nursing and the Myth of War Experience in WWI. All these texts would be valuable resources for determining the true position of women during the First World War. Yvonne McEwen book deals with the characters that are often overlooked while dealing with the greater perspective of a vast incident like the First World War. These are the people who practically work behind the scene but make tremendous contribution to the cause but more often than not are not mentioned by academicians. Such characters are the female nurses of the First World War. The author presents a testimony to all those nurses of the First World War who proved to be people with astonishing courage and ability to bear hardship. It is not only the soldiers of the First World War who showed all these qualities but the author mentions that it is the female nurses who went unsung after proving themselves to be no less dedicated to their country and service than the soldiers. The sacrifices of these people are hardly written down and thus the author is instrumental in presenting to us the untold stories of the female nurses and their position in the First World War. At the same time the author mentions the other side of this profession and service where the female nurses is mobilized in a large number to compete among rival nursing service agencies. The net result often proved to be uncalled for. This is because though there was a huge demand of female nurses in the First World War it was desirable that the female nurses participating and volunteering to serve are trained adequately. It is almost a certainty that due to this mobilization in mass numbers the quality of the female nurses was diminishing. In the same context it should also be said that this lack of practicable knowledge was often covered up by the will to serve and work extremely hard. However, the author indicates several accounts that show the humane aspects of the First World War female nurses and their position in the social order as they were viewed by the soldiers as saviors though in most cases they were only comforters at the most. But in a time of mass destruction and agony this was more than sufficient for a dying young soldier. The author narrates this aspect of the female nurses with great affection and indulgence. (McEwen, 2006) The second text by Higonnet reveals more of personal account of the two most famous nurses from the United States, Mary Borden and Ellen N. La Motte. Their personal views of the First World War, as brought for forward by the author between the same covers, shows the inner world of the female nurses during the period of the war. These are women who saw the war extremely closely and thus narrates the extremely difficult practice of military medicine under ruthless conditions. Their accounts are often haunting and both reflects the dilemma of treatment where the patient for whom the nurses work so hard would ultimately return to the war zone either to be killed or to kill. At this point the text becomes very touching and humane but at the same time shows us the true position of the female nurses during the First World War. It appears that the female nurses were, in a sense, just comforting medium or toll provided by the government to heal their killing machines. It is true that this cost of war is often difficult to digest with its harsh realities of death and decay of the human mind where most of the humane principals are drained off under unbearable circumstances. But the nurses depict their accounts not only from the point of view of observers but from a point where it appears that they are actually cursing their need of healing the blood river. There is a certain point of motherhood or motherly feeling involved in their accounts. Their text not only becomes extremely important for determining the true position of the nurses during the First World War period but also presents us with humane narratives that are inspirational, thoughtful and moving. (Higonnet, 2001) Eileen Croftons The Women of Royaumont, A Scottish Women’s Hospital on the Western Front is a story of a hospital in Royaumont which was within few miles from the western front during the First World War. This story also tells the account of Miss Frances Ivens who works as a surgeon in this hospital. Miss Ivens was also responsible for the set up of this fully equipped hospital to serve the wounded soldiers from the front. This is a wonderful story about the personnel of this hospital where death and pain became a regular feature during the First World War period these were the people who never loosed any hope and lead life with hardship and service from 1915 to the end of the war in 1919. Here we find the daily life of the female nurses with their fear and hope and determination. It is a interesting notion to read the parts where they are seen celebrating Christmas or other such festive moods along with their heavy schedule where doctors were allowed on about three hours of sleep due to rush of patients. Here we find the whereabouts of the female nurses with details accounts such a number of patients during a specific period of time in the middle of the war and the total number of treatments along with details of maladies along with their race and religions. The writer makes us aware that these are personnel who worked amidst shells and gun fires and still maintained their high level of professional skills. Here we also find the aspects of humor, like the festivals or games, helped their moral to continue the harsh days of the First World War period. We also come across the diplomatic situation where the management handled the matter with well formulated strategies to survive. Thus this text reveals a huge amount of details that is needed to determine the position of nurses in the First World War period. We can easily understand the high position these women occupied in the minds of the patients but sadly the same was hardly true when it came to bureaucracy and government. If judged from Eileen Crofton’s point of view it was the outsiders who never shared the life of the nurses and failed to pay their due respect. But at the same time it is true that while evaluating the position of the female nurses during the period of the first World War it becomes certain that the elite of the society hardly paid any respects to these brave service providers even though some of the noted female nurse came from this class. However, the main concerns to the nurses were the well being of the soldiers and there they were highly respected and honored. Goldstein’s text presents a different angle to the entire discussion and along with it places a very interesting point of view too. Goldstein aims at the perspective that states that the impact of gender difference and the significance of gender differences are most visible during the period of war. Yet controversial arguments, and the dispersion of erudition across scholastic regulations, have covered understanding of the nature of war and its implementation on the aspects of gender. According to the writer the affect war cause on gender and the gender difference affect the nature of war is mutual and simultaneous. To venture this mode of circumstances the author explores the aspect of war in general throughout the history of human conflict and notes in a lively yet very authoritative manner that almost always women were excluded from direct combat situation. The write even indicates that this has been the general norm and it is applicable for all race and culture. However the author did mention and evaluated the incidents where the women fought in direct battlefield with much success. In the same context the author also mentions the nature of male complexity in the parameters of social behaviors cause mainly due to secretion of testosterone. This part is a very interesting topic as it looks upon the basic aspects of the concepts relating to the construction of femininity and masculinity under the parameters of war and particularly the First World War. To explain the issue the author illustrates the book into seven broad chapters that deals various aspects of war and the subsequent affects on women in general. The first chapter is A Puzzle: The Cross-Cultural Consistency of Gender Roles in War where the homogenous nature of women’s position is discussed in the light of war. The second chapter is named Women Warriors: The Historical Record of Female Combatants where the role of active participation is noted. The third chapter is Bodies: The Biology of Individual Gender where the author looks into the details of the differences between the sexes. The fourth chapter seeks the social position of women and it named Groups: Bonding, Hierarchy, and Social Identity. The fifth chapter deals with the representation of war as a means of construction of male identity and thus it is named Heroes: The Making of Militarized Masculinity. The sixth chapter is named Conquests: Sex, Rape, and Exploitation in Wartime and it looks into the brutal aspects of male dominance during war and thus reveals the detrimental affects that war causes in the ramification of the women. The last chapter concludes the entire scenario and tries to venture into the connection of women and war and thus it is named Reflections: The Mutuality of Gender and War. It should be mentioned that according to Goldstein the First World War included greater participation of women than before predominantly as nurses. However she points out that it is not natural for a human being to kill but during the First World War it was found that women along with men were forced to commit this act and according to the author this was a direct affect of the War. To prove the points the author presents a number of illustrations that includes drawings, graphics, photographs and related materials from numerous scholarly texts that include diverse academic disciplines. This book by Goldstein is a unique approach in the context of content and approach and it could well be stated that it is a fascinating book to read apart from being a book on a distinct issue that reflect much about the position of women during the WWI. (Goldstein, 2001) The article by Margaret H. Darrow titled French Volunteer Nursing and the Myth of War Experience in WWI is a true text to conclude this entire paper. This is because this article emphasizes on the aspects of the First World War and the involvement of women, particularly female nurses in it. Though it predominantly describes the details of women of France it is nevertheless reveals the position of women during the First World War and particularly about the nurses unlike Goldstein who presents the total perspective and the relation between woman and war. Darrow mentions that women were very much involved in the First World War than previous battles but it was mostly indirect in nature. She mentions that the women joined the jobs that were left behind by their men and even took active participation ministry of military affairs but maximum and direct involvement of the women in the First World War was as nurse. The author clearly mentions this and emphasize that the position of the women at this war was almost equivalent and important as that of the male doctors and it could be further stated that a huge amount of inspirations were drawn from the dedication to the service by the female nurse during the First World War. This is the most important point to be mentioned and this is what makes the involving of the female nurses relevant in the context of the First World War. (Darrow, 1996) In conclusion it should be stated that the being a part of a noble profession it was the opportunity for the female nurses of the First World War to gain importance to their community and help substantially to the ultimate cause of the purpose. It is true that they were often treated badly or were not given their dues for their hard works but if we take into consideration the basic position of women in the society or the importance that they enjoyed before the First World War it could be a well placed statement that the First World War provided a respected position for the female nurses in the cantonment and in the society as well.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Role of Food in Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet in the Western Front and Elie Wiesel’s Night :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

The Role of Food in Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet in the Western Front and Elie Wiesel’s Night Food means different things to people in different countries of the world; pasta is common in Italy, hamburgers are a favorite in the US and tacos are a typical dish in Mexico. Human existence solely depends on this source of energy. A person’s fundamental need for food makes it a very important item, placing the people who control the food in a very high esteem. Consistency is also important in the delicate balance of life. Erich Maria Remarque, author of All Quiet in the Western Front, and Elie Wiesel, author of Night, both use food in their novels to convey this idea. Many of their thoughts and â€Å"meanings† concerning food paralleled one another. Food, one of the quintessential elements of life, plays a significant role in wartime experiences around the world and even in different time periods. Food is essential to basic life. It provides people with the energy to think, speak, walk, talk, and breathe. In preparation for the Jews deportation from the ghettos of Transylvania, â€Å"the (Jewish) women were busy cooking eggs, roasting meat, and baking cakes†(Wiesel, 13). The Jewish families realized how crucial food was to their lives even before they were faced with the daily condition of famine and death in the concentration camps. The need for food was increased dramatically with the introduction of the famine-like conditions of the camps. Wiesel admitted that, although he was incredibly hungry, he had refused to eat the plate of thick soup they served to the prisoners on the first day of camp because of his nature of being a â€Å"spoiled child†. But his attitude changed rapidly as he began to realize that his life span was going to be cut short if he continued to refuse to eat the food they served him. â€Å"By the third day, I (Elie Wiesel) was eating any kind of soup hungrily† (Wiesel, 40). His desire to live superseded his social characteristic of being â€Å"pampered†. Remarque also uses his characters to show to how a balanced diet promotes a person’s good health. Paul Bà ¤umer uses food to encourage Franz Kemmerich, his sick friend, â€Å"eat decently and you’ll soon be well again†¦Eating is the main thing† (Remarque, 30). Paul Bà ¤umer feels that good food can heal all afflictions. The bread supply of the soldiers in All Quiet on the Western Front was severely threatened when the rats became more and more numerous.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Aphra Bhen’s Oroonoko “The royal Slave” and “Candide, Or Optimism” Essay

Aphra Bhen was a prolific female playwright and author during the restoration period of English history. Bhen herself stood by the power of the monarchy. Her book ‘_Oroonoko_’ has hints within the text that royalty is seen as set apart from the rest of society; and that rank is the natural order of things. Though little is really known about Behn’s early years, evidence suggests that she may have had a Catholic upbringing; (1) however, in considering the text for analysis, Bhen’s position on religion shows that she found religion very constrictive to society, which I will discuss in detail later. Franà §ois-Marie Arouet who is also known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion, freedom of expression, free trade and separation of church and state. He was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher, and his Book ‘_Candide or Optimism’_ is a satirical philosophical tale which I will also discuss in detail later. The first text to be analysed is found on page 11 of ‘_Oroonoko_’. The text depicts the â€Å"Indian† natives of Surinam, how they appear to the narrator, how they show love to each other and how they interact with the English governor. The text begins with a vivid description of the natives. ‘they are extreme modest bashful, very shy and nice of being touched†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [†¦] ‘†¦and though they are all thus naked if one lives forever among them, there is not seen an indecent action or glance.’ This is a vivid description of innocence, and leads to the use of poetic language when discussing erotic love: eg :-‘he pursues her with eyes and sighs were all his language’ while she: ‘†¦looked  down with all blushing modesty.’. This is also a clever use of the narrative structure known as vocalisation, and gives a powerful impression of how the natives feel for each other. However the tone she uses in the text is also hyperbolic, in as much as she romanticises the natives she describes. Also by doing this the natives are shown as passive. The text also contains Biblical perspective and religious connotations. In the first quarter of the narrative she states ‘†¦so like our parents before the fall†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which she also connects with: ‘†¦and these people represented to me an absolute idea of the first state of innocence, before man knew how to sin†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ By placing these comments in this conjunction, together with the innocence she creates, she thus connects both the native man and the woman to Adam and Eve within their setting:- the jungle of Surinam, which thus creates an impression of the Garden of Eden as described in the Bible, in Genesis 3. This is something that her audience, having known the Biblical text accurately, would have been able to understand and thus take into consideration, when thinking about a man and a woman from a country a long way away. The narrator considers this noble; when she sees their culture free from the social parameters of religion and informs the reader thus: ‘Nature is the most harmless, inoffensive, and virtuous mistress, it is she alone, if she were permitted, that better instructs the world than the inventions of man; religion would here destroy that tranquillity that they possess by ignorance.’ But she also sates in the first quarter of the text . ‘It seems as if they had no wishes, and nothing to heighten their curiosity’; and later adds: ‘where there is no novelty there is no curiosity.’ when this is considered with the biblical connections, there is the possible implication of rank detachment thus separating the natives from the Christian-European culture which she and her readers are a part of. At the end of the text, she separates the natives even further from the colonists, when she describes a meeting with the Governor. When the Governor cannot make the trip to see them, the natives conclude that he must be dead. When this it is seen that this is not the case, the natives call the Governor ‘a liar and guilty of that infamy’. On one level, this could be seen as ‘native justice’ as she calls it. However, it also implies that the natives are limited in their understanding, and possibly suggesting that colonisation is acceptable, moreover necessary for their development. The second texts is seen on Pages 40 to 42 of Voltaire’s ‘Candide or Optimism’ and are contained in chapter 16 of the main text. The scene depicts Candide and Cacambo entering the Jungle of Orillion, Their entrapment by the Orillians’; Cacambo’s discourse with the Orillians, who then release Candide and Cacambo from captivity, and ends with Candide’s exclamation as to how nice the Orillians are. ‘It’s a Jesuit it’s a Jesuit we will be avenged! And we’ll eat the Jesuit! ‘ say the Orillians after capturing Candide. Here Voltaire is seeing the native as very savage. But he is also viscously satirical and ironic, as Voltaire himself was taught by the Jesuit order. The omniscient narrator here gives us insight into what the natives are saying, and this adds to the viscous humour and the irony. Candide then considers the philosophy of optimism which is the underpinning continuing theme within the text ‘All is for the best, no doubt, but I must say that it’s a cruel thing to have lost Mademoiselle Cunà ©gonde and be roasted on a spit by the Orillions.’ Cacambo comes to the rescue by reasoning with the natives. Here Voltaire does not see a race that is inferior to the culture in Europe, but simply another form human being that can be reasoned with. As Cacambo states: that: ‘natural law teaches us to kill our neighbour all the world over’. [†¦] ‘The Orillians might be cannibals’ but as he says ‘We Europeans have other means of eating well’ thus suggesting that there is little that separates modern society from the native, other than money. The Orrillians are convinced by Cacambo’s reasoned speech and not only do they let them go, they give them women and are treated with â€Å"every civility† again underlining the ‘civility’ of the native population and thus informing the reader of the day that the natives are civilised in their behaviour, despite where they live and what they wear and try to do. As the piece end’s, Candide is overcome both by his deliverance but also by the natives themselves â€Å"what men! What customs!† he says, going back to the theory of Optimism and the issues that relate to cause and effect: ‘ if I had not run my sword right through Cunà ©gonde’s brother, I would have been eaten alive without fail.’ [†¦] ‘It seems to me that nature is a good thing, since these people, instead of eating me, showed me a thousand civilities just as soon as they know I was not a Jesuit.’ In its tone style and genre ‘_Candide or Optimism’_ is a sharply satirical, philosophical tale that stands against the Leibnitz’s argument for philosophical optimism which is summed up in the words of Alexander pope: ‘whatever IS, IS RIGHT’. (2) In its tone style and genre ‘Oroonoko’ is a classical tradgedy where the hero is brought low by personal character flaws or outside circumstances. In comparing and contrasting the texts, both consider colonisation and exploration: In considering the concept of exploration within ‘_Oroonoko_’ Bhen paints a vivid picture of the passivity and the beauty of the natural order, and how this justifies hierarchal society, Whereas, in ‘_Candide_’ Voltaire paints a very different picture, where humanity as a whole is struggling with its very nature, and only reason and enlightenment can help humanity progress. In considering colonisation, Bhen supports the idea of colonisation as a means of financial gain for the homeland. Therefore the natives are shown as a species on their own but a secondary species, next to the European colonists which thus supports the idea of slavery, as a means to an end, despite the suffering that slavery incurs. This is seen in how she considers the natives in the text, who are considered, on the whole as naà ¯ve. In ‘_Candide_’ Voltaire gives us a very complex picture of a world with complex cultures that simply do not interact well. Suggesting that colonisation is an imposition of one culture upon another for the sake of greed. This too is seen in the way he portrays the natives in the text, and though both consider religion to be a man-made construct that is difficult and dangerous to impose upon another culture. It is Bhen’s perspective of the natives that is demeaning, whereas Voltaire’s position is one of equality where we are all the same ‘the world over’. ‘_Oroonoko_’ by Aphra Bhen and ‘_Candide_’ by Voltaire, Both have varied and complex arguments relating to slavery and the plight of humanity. Both are very different and tell two very different stories of life in other lands. The fact that they are still in print now, is a reflection of their importance in understanding the attitudes and cultural aspects of the time that they were written. This in turn, still makes them as important as they were when they were first written. 1. Todd J Introduction xviii Oroonoko 2. Pope A _Essay of man p 45-6_ Fraiser R Voltaire â€Å"_candide, or optimism†_ P 182 renaissance and the long 18th Century (ed) Pacheo A, Johnson D, Open university press. Biblography Bhen A. Oroonoko William canning (1688) (ed) Todd J. penguin classics(2004) Voltaire Candide or Optimism (ed) T. Cuffe Penguin classics (2005) The Renaissance and long eighteenth century (ed) Pacheo A, Johnson D, Open university press.(2008)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hugo Cabret Movie vs. Book

In The Invention of Hugo Cabret vs. Hugo, the element of character relationships in the book and the movie are developed very differently. One example of this would be the addition of completely new characters in the movie that were not in the book at all. The director, Martin Scorsese, creates new characters, which add and build upon the relationships and add side stories to the plot line. Instead of cutting some of the plot as adaptations usually do, the film actually added additional story lines (Lee).He adds the characters in the train station with the dachshunds that create a romantic vignette in the movie that was not in the book. The director also creates the girl at the flower shop that ends up in a romantic relationship with the Station Inspector. In addition, the relationship between the Station Inspector and Hugo differed as the Inspector is much more present in the movie than in the book. There are more scenes depicting the Station Inspector chasing Hugo in the movie for dramatic effect. Scorsese also adds drama by including the Station Inspector's menacing dog in the chase scenes.Specific to the movie, the Inspector has a metal prosthetic leg, which provides a vulnerability that he seems to be overcompensating for with his intimidating exterior. The character differences between the book and the movie could be due to the desire of the director wanting to add his own insight and personal elements to the story rather than using Brian Selznick's literal interpretation. Since the media forms of literature and film have different interpretive elements they must be presented differently.For instance, in the movie Scorsese adds more dramatic effects by providing additional character relationships and plotlines. Also, since the movie is targeted towards all audiences, he includes the element of romance with his character relationships in order to appeal to the adult audience. Another character relationship to be noted would be the relationship between Hugo and the automaton. Even though it is an inanimate object, Hugo clearly forms a relationship with this machine as it is the only part of his father he has left.Hugo is very determined to repair the automaton as he believes his father may have left him a message through it, which gives him hope and the desire to fix it. Hugo takes great care of the automaton and in the film he carries it like a baby because he cares for it so much. Since his father’s death, Hugo has been left with no family therefore the automaton almost becomes his family as it meant so much to his father. Both appealing in their own forms of media, the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret and the movie Hugo have several contrasting elements, which provide unique depictions of the same story.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

French Terms Related to Movies and Film Festivals

French Terms Related to Movies and Film Festivals Whether you love attending film festivals, watching movies, or just reading reviews, youll want to learn some French vocabulary related to movies.le film - film, moviele cinà ©ma - movie theaterle Festival de Cannes - Cannes Film Festivalla Croisette - little cross, promenade which is the center of activity during the festivalla sà ©lection officielle - official festival selectionUn certain regard - Cannes category for particularly innovative filmsla Palme dOr - golden palm, highest award given at Cannes Genres la comà ©die - comedyle documentaire - documentaryle drame - dramale film daction - action moviele film daventures - adventurele film dà ©pouvante - horrorla science-fiction - science fictionle western - western Acteurs - Cast un acteur - actorune actrice - actressla distribution - cast listle / la figurant / figurante - extralinterprà ¨te (m or f) - actor/actressle premier rà ´le - male lead, leading actorle premier rà ´le fà ©minin - female lead, leading actressle second rà ´le - supporting actorle second rà ´le fà ©minin - supporting actressla silhouette - walk-on part/rolela vedette - star Équipe -  Crew le / la bruiteur / bruiteuse - sound-effects engineerle camà ©raman, cadreur - camera operatorle / la cinà ©aste - director, film-makerle / la coiffeur / coiffeuse - hair stylistle / la dà ©corateur / dà ©coratrice - designerle directeur de la photo(graphie) - cinematographer, director of photographyle / la maquilleur / maquilleuse - make-up artistle metteur en scà ¨ne - directorle / la monteur / monteuse - editorle preneur de son - sound engineer, sound recorderle / la producteur / productrice - producerle producteur exà ©cutif - executive producerla productrice exà ©cutivele / la rà ©alisateur / rà ©alisatrice - directorle rà ©gisseur - line producer, assistant directorle scà ©nariste - screenwriter Scà ¨nes et Plans -  Scenes and Shots larrà ªt sur image - freeze framele cadre - framedans le champ - in shoten dà ©cor, studio - on seten extà ©rieur - on locationle fondu - dissolve, fadehors champ - off-camerale panoramique - panningun plan rapprochà © / serrà © - close uple raccord - continuity Verbes - Verbs bruiter - to add sound effectscadrer - to frame a shotcouper - to cutdiriger - to directinterprà ©ter - to perform, actmonter - to editproduire - to produceprojeter - to project, showtourner (un film, une scà ¨ne) - to film, shoot (a movie, scene) Miscellaneous laffiche - showing, playing, on screenla bande sonore - soundtrackle bruitage - sound effectsle dà ©coupage - story boarddoublà © - dubbedlà ©clairage (m) - lightingle gà ©nà ©rique - credits, theme musicla grue - cranele mà ©trage - lengthle montage - editingle scà ©nario - screenplaysous-titrà © - subtitledle truquage - special effectsVF - version franà §aise (dubbed into French)VO - version originale (in the original language with French subtitles)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Use Graphics in Technical Writing

How to Use Graphics in Technical Writing In technical business writing, the graphics – such as engineering drawings, tables, and process diagrams – complement and are integrated with the text, to inform or even to entertain the reader, depending on the writer’s objective.In this post you will learn how to correctly and incorrectly use graphics in your technical business writing. Integrate Graphics with Text Integration is bidirectional: An effective graphic enhances the text, and effective text enhances the graphic. In other words, we want to go beyond simply pointing to the graphic in the text, which we would not consider â€Å"integration.† We also want to explain the graphic to the reader in the text. Indeed, depending on the subject matter, it’s a good practice to create the graphic first, to bring together some of the relevant concepts, and then walk the reader through the graphic to make sure all readers will have a common understanding of the graphic and its significance. Using this technique, we can instantly create pages of explanatory text that helps the reader understand and helps us tell the story. (Please note that we are not talking about how to choose among various kinds of graphics, e.g., organization charts, flow diagrams, and the like; that issue could be a subject for another blog. We simply want to explore the relationship between the graphic and the te xt.) hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '2355e67d-04bb-46d6-b8a7-b271b3acdfe9', {}); For example, suppose we are writing a contribution to a business blog. (Where did that idea come from, I wonder?) Figure 1 shows an overview of the blog writing process. Figure 1: Blog Writing Process. The figure answers several questions for the reader: What are the steps in the writing process? What is the sequence of steps? What are the respective responsibilities of the writer and publisher? At the same time, many questions that could be raised are left unanswered: For example, what activities are involved in â€Å"pre-write† or â€Å"pre-publish†? The figure doesn’t say; the narrative needs to describe the activities. Alternatively, we could have listed the component activities of each process step in the process box. We could have added the following to the pre-write box in the graphic: Audience analysis Article objective Preliminary research Of course, instead of simply listing the activities, we would also expect to elaborate, so that the reader ultimately understands the scope and objective of each activity. This elaboration is certainly not advisable in the graphic under any circumstances; it’s too much detail. A good default practice is to provide just the big picture in the figure, as shown, and then provide details in the supporting narrative, thereby integrating the graphic and the text. Indeed, in the given example, because of the missing detail, the reader, looking at the graphic, is implicitly encouraged to ask questions and to look to the text to fill in the blanks. For the writer, the high-level graphic is a wonderful organizing mechanism. Given Figure 1 as a starting point, the writer is now in a position to rattle off the details in the supporting text. Without the figure, the task of describing the flow in words, and then adding detail, is substantially more difficult. You may be interested in beginner guide:How to Become a Technical Writer Integrating Tables and Text The question of level of detail may be answered differently for a table, which is inherently a text-intensive form of graphic. You should strive to make the table fairly self-explanatory, leveraging the table structure for showing the reader relationships among data elements. As with other graphics, the table is intended to augment the narrative – typically to strengthen an argument or to illustrate a relationship among data elements. You still need to make the connection for the reader between the table and the argument, or between the table and the relationship being illustrated. For example, consider Table 1a and Table 1b. Let’s suppose we are a contractor bidding on a government solicitation, requiring three labor categories, with the minimum experience and education levels for each category shown in Table 1a. We want to show that our proposed candidates for each category meet the experience and education thresholds, as shown in Table 1b. It may be evident to the reader who examines the two tables carefully that each candidate meets the minimum education and experience requirements of the appropriate category. However, we want to make that point explicitly in the narrative, to make sure the reader understands it. Again, we are integrating the table with the narrative. Report formatting is one of the skills we teach in our technical writing course [Learn More]. Avoid Decoration A decoration is defined as a graphic that seems to have a vague relationship to the subject of the given article, but is actually content-free – it adds absolutely nothing to the reader’s understanding of the subject at hand. For example, in an article discussing the job description of a software developer, an illustration like Figure 2, taken from a free imagewebsite, would be considered a decoration. Figure 2. A decoration is a content-free graphic. (Incidentally, such a decoration could do more harm than good in today’s politically fraught environment. For example, does the photo imply that women and persons of color don’t qualify as developers? Is that a message that we want to convey?) Make Sure the Graphic is Legible Figure 3 is actually a copy of Figure 2, but very hard to read. The gray text on the light blue background offers insufficient contrast; the type size is only seven points (vs. 10 points in Figure 1); all of the text is in upper case (vs. upper and lower case in Figure 1). You can ruin a good piece with poorly designed graphics. Figure 3. A poorly designed graphic. This issue of graphic legibility is particularly significant when the graphic is a screen shot. How often do you see a screen shot illustrating use of some software tool, or showing the result of a user action, that is totally unreadable? One way to solve the problem is to zoom in on a portion of the screen, so that the text is large enough to be legible. Another is to replace the screen shot with a drawing of the screen that has readable text. What other methods would you use to make your screen shots legible? Let us know in the comments section below!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Market Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market Analysis - Essay Example Home players want appropriate individual experience while online gamers want opportunities of good time to cooperate and compete with other players and socializing. Based on the current access of internet statistics and patterns of buying games, researched by analyst groups, the number of online game customers in the United States is approximately 100 million. On the broader global market, this may extend to approximately 400 million customers. The content of the present paper is a market analysis of CanGo Company Inc. The purpose of this market research/analysis is to determine how the company can increase its sales volume before the end of this year. This analysis presents CanGo’s market strengths and opportunities. CanGo is a company that was founded in a couple of years ago and the goal of this market analysis paper is to get the company in the right channel. The largest opportunity of the company at present is to get a stable online game and run (Bloomberg, 2009). CanGo has established the right platform of increasing its sales volume and attracting a large number of customers. This is the fastest way of getting the name of the company in the market. Online gaming is currently touching millions of potential clients internationally. The size of the online gaming industry is currently experiencing a very strong growth. Most of the Digital Software Associations estimate that the total of online gaming sites’ users is currently increasing from 10 to 15 percent every month. In CanGo Company Inc. The estimates are that the customers of online gaming will adjust from $ 2 billion in 2013 to approximately five billion dollars by the end of this year. According to the Internet Moms. Com, E-Commerce is currently becoming more common. The reason is that internet shopping and hectic lifestyle with E-Commerce is highly convenient and time saving. There are predictions that the e - commerce market will

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Problems Of The Women In Current World Essay

The Problems Of The Women In Current World - Essay Example Research has been done on the present situation of the wage gap in the US in the last decade and the improvements made in the last 30 to 40 after the enforcement of equal wages acts and the women’s movement in mid 20th century. Women are still considered as second-grade custody workers in various job sectors. A decade ago in the US, the women were still being paid low as compared to the men for the same job that they were doing. Women caretakers and cleaners have a salary widely disparate from that of men and all because of gender difference. A salary gap of 8000 US dollars separated the women’s yearly income (22000 US Dollars) form the men’s yearly income (30000 US Dollars). (Barko 1) Even after 5 decades since the enforcement of the Equal Payment Act of 1963, American women earned 74 cents for every dollar earned by men, according to the study published jointly by the AFL-CIO and The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), Washington (Barko 1). An increase in the wages of women task force employed across different industry sectors and in different categories would bring more than 50 % of low-income dual-earner and single-mother households above the poverty line. The recent study has challenged the age-old argument of lesser industry experience, childbearing time off and child rearing time off supporting the low income of women stating that 43 % of wage gap remains unexplained. After the industrial revolution in the late 19th and early 20th century, many new fields of work emerged and the professional world witnessed a boom. New posts were created, new organizations came into existence and new business lines became viable profit-making options.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Macro assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Macro - Assignment Example Obviously with the major machinery meant for production of the new brand of soft drink Straw-berry getting totally damaged beyond repair, means that the production unit of this factory meant to be operational in the UAE has been crippled beyond repair. In other words, no manufacturing of the anticipated new straw-berry brand cannot be manufactured. Thus, our soft drink manufacturing company, Liquids Limited will have no brand of soft-drink to introduce to the UAE market in four months time as previously projected (Neyapti 31). Besides, the manufacturing plant has been imported using a lot of money that must have taken away a sizeable chunk off the company’s profits. With this in mind; the potion of liquids Limited given the circumstance is one of increased liability and weakness instead of strength. This state of weakness will increase the general capital out-lay, if another machine is to be bought to replace the one damaged on transit. The question which arises is where will that money come from? Who will carry the cost? How will it affect the cost of production? The company’s competitors, Drinks limited already seem to have an upper hand in being the first to introduce their brand of soft drink into UAE market. This is unprecedented, and could easily turn the tables of Liquids Limited in favor of Drinks Limited as it gives them the opportunity to capture a strong market segment, and work towards building brand loyalty. After having a brain-storming session with the head of production, and as the head of marketing, we effectively decided to discontinue with the proposed launch of the straw berry soft drink in UAE. This is because the imported manufacturing plant has been damaged beyond repair. This means that the liabilities of Liquids Company have increased. Launching a new product in a new market is an

Sunday, October 27, 2019

European Union Regional Policy

European Union Regional Policy After the Second World War, there had been attempts to re-unify the war-torn countries in Europe. However, there were many obstacles along the processes made. Problems still existed between rival countries such as between France and Germany, and economic situations in the European countries after the war was in a need of development. In order to cope with such problems of economy and relation between these countries, a community was created in 1951 by having first coal and steel as their central shared interests. This European Coal and Steel Community later developed in to the European Economic Community and finally in to the well-known European Union. This kind of community allows its member to improve their economic conditions through custom union and free trade, while advances their diplomatic relationship through their interactions. Efforts to integrate Europe can also be seen in 6 enlargements of the Union; allowing other states of Europe to join after they have accepted the co mmunity law. However, allowing other states to be members of the Union means there will be differences between the new and the old members of the union especially in economic terms. The most significant enlargement was the 5th enlargement in 2004 which was when the ten poor states in Europe decided to join the Union. In order to lessen the financial gaps between the members, the Regional Policy came in and played a major role in improving the economic disparities between states to allow their economy to grow. This paper will be focusing on the background of the regional policy, reasons why it is needed, main objectives, geographical eligibility, and who decides the funding. Background The idea of balancing the economic status of member states in the community has been there since the very early years of the European integration, or around 1950s. There were three sectors of financial support which were created during 1957- 1988; the beginning of the integration, to help funding the development missions of the European Community; the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In 1986, the cohesion policy was introduced after the agreement on the Single European Act with the objectives of re-uniting and developing the economy of member states all together. However, in order to achieve the goal of market development through support and competition between states, the members of the Union have to be equally strong or at least, the differences between countries shall not be very high in economic sense, or the poorer ones will not be able to survive within the Union. Reasons for having the European Regional Policy The European Union expansion has been achieved, but only in the number of members, not in economic and social development terms. Different countries have different financial and social status, but to unite them together and to improve their economic growth, these differences have to be reduced to the extent that they will not affect the countries with economic and social disadvantages in a negative way, but allow them to grow stronger together and compatible with the more-developed nations in the community. The enlargement in 2004 has included 10 poorer countries in Europe in to the Union; Poland, Cyprus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, Malta, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania and other 2 later on in 2007; Romania and Bulgaria, in to the European Union; making its numbers increased to 27 members (the EUs 5th Enlargement, 2004). The population of the union has increased significantly by 20%, but there was only 5% increase in the GDP or the Gross Domestic Product of the Union. The problem here is that now the GDP per person is lower than the average level of the European Union-27 in the percentage of 25% (one in four regions); making it a need to diminish their differences (Regional Policy, 2009). It is an idea agreed by all of the Unions members that in order to improve the economy of each state and of the union as a whole, competition within the market is required. To survive in the competitive market and to improve its economy, a state needs to make itself capable of competing. The regional policy is there for financing the in-needed regions projects and helping the countries within the union to reach their goal of economic expansion, competitiveness, and solidarity. Ideas and technology can also be shared between states as in the process of development. Main objectives There are three main objectives divided by the Union; Convergence, Regional Competitiveness and Employment, and European Territorial Cooperation, and three structural funds and instruments; the European Fund for Regional Development, the European Social Fund, and the Cohesion Fund. The policy for integrating and balancing the economic and social conditions in Europe is also known as the Cohesion Policy; whose current budget of 2007-2013 is 347.41 billion euro or around 35.7% of the overall budget of the European Union (Regional Policy, 2009). The Convergence Objective aims to promote economic growth and social development for the least-developed members of the Union in order to gain their ideal convergence. The areas of concern are environment, tourism, culture, transportation, energy, education, health, risk prevention, etc. The funding for this objective is consisted of around 282.8 billion euro (81.54% of the total Cohesion Policy funding) provided by the EFRD, ESF, and the Cohesion Fund [ibid]. The Regional Competitiveness and Employment objective helps supporting regions to toughen their economy by investing on the public and private sectors of the regional economy to emphasize on competition, attractiveness and employment. By doing so, they believe that it will provide more works with better standard for the people of each region which will also improve the regions economic and social conditions. This objective also has its aim on preserving the environment, improving transportation and communication system. The amount of funding for this objective is 55 billion euro (15.95% of the total Cohesion Policy funding) provided by EFRD and ESF [ibid]. The European Territorial and Co-operation objective is funded by the European Fund for Regional Development with the amount of 8.7 billion euro (2.52% of the total Cohesion Policy funding) [ibid]. This objective aims at improving the integrated regions social and economic conditions, transnational cooperation, and underlining the effectiveness of the Regional Policy. Geographical Eligibility The state members who are eligible for receiving the Cohesion Policy Fund are mostly countries from the 5th and 6th enlargements in 2004 and 2007, whose Gross National Income (GNI) are less than 90% of the average of the European Union. Regions which get this kind of funding are; Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Slovakia (Regional Policy, 2009). Spain is another country that fits in this category, however, for Spain it is a special case since its GNI was low enough for this category when EU had 15 members. In order to deal with this matter, Spain was put under the â€Å"phasing-out system,† so the country will not be much affected after the ten poorer states join the Union in 2004. The Convergence objectives funding is available for countries whose Gross Domestic Product per person is lower than 75% of the European Union average (Regional Policy, 2009). Examples of regions in this category (EU-25) are; the whole Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia, parts of Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Italy, France, United Kingdom, and Portugal. For the phasing-out system; which was introduced to help reduce the effect it might have on the poor countries receiving this funding before the poorer 10 countries join the EU, which concerns countries who were eligible at the time when EU had 15 members are some regions in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objectives funding is available to regions who are not supported by the convergence objective, and until 2013- whose GDP is higher than 75% of the EU-15 average. Examples of these regions are those in Eire-Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, etc. The geographical eligibility for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective consists of cross-border cooperation; transnational and interregional cooperation- including regions within a distance of 150km. alongside of inner, outer land borders, and maritimes. Who decides funds? The European commission will discuss with its member states about the cohesion policy and the strategy for dealing with each states conditions in order to reduce the existing disparities between the more developed and the less developed regions within the Union. After come to an agreement, the Commission will draw out a proposal and hand it over to the European Parliament and the European Council who will take it into consideration and decide on the structural funds and their regulations. Conclusion The expansion of the European Union is going well throughout the decades; however, after accepting new members from the poorer regions, especially in the enlargement of 2004, the European Union has faced with a bigger problem of social and economic differences between member states. In order to cope with this matter, the Regional Policy has been emphasized on more than in the past to improve the newly-joined-less-developed regions and the old-less-developed regions economic and social status, so that they are compatible with the more developed countries. In order to improve the European Unions economic and social status, the market has to remain its competitiveness and solidarity, meaning that if the poorer countries are less capable, they may not be able to survive or improve their economy, but financially and socially fail. The Regional Policy helps improve the smaller bits of the member states in regional scale to make better environment for the future stronger economy of the cou ntries and strengthen their conditions, so that they will be able to compete in the domestic and international market, improve their social and economic situations and also those of the Union as a whole. References Regional Policy, 2009. Regional Policy. European Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2010]. The EU`s 5th Enlargement, 2004. The European Union in the World. Enlargement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2010]. Malais J. Haegeman, H., 2009. Analysis on the European Union Regional Policy. European Union Regional Policy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2010].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Human Resource Management: Attraction, Motivation, and Retention Essay

Time has changed the way organisations operate. Contemporary organisations not only need to compete for reputation and tangible organisational resources, but also participate in the ‘war for talent’ (Bartlett & Ghoshal 2002). Bartlett and Ghoshal (2002) described the ‘war for talent’ as competing for talented and skilled workers by attracting them to work for the organisation as well as retaining their loyalty. Hence, this paper will focus upon three strategies of Human Resource Management (HRM), that is, attraction, motivation, and retention. It is important to address these because many of the Human Resource (HR) activities build upon these strategies to gain competitive advantage (Jensen 2005). Organisations can win the ‘war for talent’ and hence increase their competitive advantage by creating and maintaining loyalty within organisations, albeit sometimes requiring considerable investment, effort and commitment to overcome obstacles. This discussion will also form the basis of illustrating that HRM performs more than administrative duties and plays a vital role in determining an organisation’s success. Examples of organisations’ successes in attracting, motivating, and retaining employees will be illustrated throughout the discussion. This essay concludes with an analysis of the skills HR managers need to become a strategic partner in the organisation. Competitive advantage refers to an organisation maximising its strengths as a method to compete in the marketplace (Bartlett & Ghoshal 2002). This consists of cost leadership as well as differentiation in products and services (Global Reporting Initiative 2002). In addition, an organisation achieves competitive advantage by winning the ‘war for talent’, which is the ultimat... ...anagement in Australia: Strategy, people, performance 3rd., Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill. Dowling, P.J., Festing, M. & Allen D. Engle, S., 2008. International human resource management: Managing people in a multinational context 5th., Boston: Cengage Learning. Global Reporting Initiative, 2002. Sustainability reporting guidelines. Environment. Available at: Holland, P., Sheehan, C. & De Cieri, H., 2007. Attracting and retaining talent: Exploring human resources development trends in Australia. Human Resource Development International, 10(3) pp. 247-262. Jeffries, F.L. & Hunte, T.L., 2004. Generations and motivation: A connection worth making. Journal of Behavioural and Applied Management, 6(1) pp. 37-70. Jensen, E., 2005. HR’ s role in helping companies achieve high performance. Employment Relations Today, 32(2) pp. 39-52.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Promote professional development Essay

Outcome 3: Be able to prepare a professional development plan 3.1 Select learning opportunities to meet development objectives and reflect personal learning style I need to ensure that my own training is up to date and current. I will source training courses and liaise with my manager to get authorisation for them. I work with my service manager to understand the organisational objectives for my role and to establish if I need training to meet these objectives. Sometimes I will only need to do some research to gain the knowledge that I need. As a trainer it is important that I attend refresher training to keep my skill up to date and in line with current legislation. We are all different and as such have preferred methods for learning new skills, by understanding the memory process we may be able to develop effective learning. The Atkinson-Schiffrin model described by Malim and Birch puts memory into 3 steps with the input of information going into the brain at level 1 which is the short-term m emory this information is then analysed and any unwanted information is discarded here. Anything your brain considers useful goes into the long-term memory where it is retained. However, if we do not recall certain information within 1-8 hours the possibility of recalling that information drops dramatically and the more time goes by without recalling it the worse chance we have of remembering it. By the time a month has gone by the information may be lost in the depths of our brain. This ‘lost’ information is not lost forever, it is possible to recall it but it may mean you will need to just relax and try and ‘clear your mind’ or it may mean you will have to read about the information again. As trainers we are not always able deliver training in a way that suits every individual. We need to understand the different methods of learning. Honey and Mumford are best known for their learning style questionnaire. This self-administered questionnaire determines your preferred learning style. The styles are: Activitists (Do) – Immerse themselves fully in new experiences; Enjoy here and now; Open minded, enthusiastic, flexible; Act first, consider consequences later; Seek to centre activity around themselves. Reflectors (Review) – Stand back and observe; Cautious, take a back seat; Collect and analyze data about experience and events, slow to reach conclusions; Use information from past,  present and immediate observations to maintain a big picture perspective. Theorists (Conclude) – Think through problems in a logical manner, value rationality and objectivity; Assimilate disparate facts into coherent theories; Disciplined, aiming to fit things into rational order; Keen on basic assumptions, principles, theories, models and systems thinking. Pra gmatists (Plan) – Keen to put ideas, theories and techniques into practice; Search new ideas and experiment; Act quickly and confidently on ideas, gets straight to the point; Are impatient with endless discussion. 3.2 Produce a plan for own professional development, using an appropriate source of support we have a Performance and Development process (PDP). Part of this process involves setting objectives and producing a development plan for the next 12 month period. I work with the service manager to produce a development plan that reflects my personal objectives and the objectives that are set . The objectives set should be SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-limited 3.3 Establish a process to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan As part of the Performance and Development Process the objectives are reviewed every quarter. If the objectives have been meet new objectives can then be set. If the objectives have not been meet then the progress is discussed, it may be decided to modify the objectives if they are no longer SMART. As managers we meet regularly with our service manager and the HR consultant. We discuss the effectiveness of the process and any improvements that could be made.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Great-Man Theory Essay

Introduction As I have read about it, a particular interest in my has been raising about the wonderful way many people has utilized their natural abilities as a medium of reunion and leadership. I found a string link between this gifts or skills these men had and their particular behavior in the time they lived. I would like to talk about the special characteristics that had to be present; more specific the building process of a divine individual, a prophet capable of guiding its people and the importance they have represented to humanity, whether realistic or not, since the theory has been around ever since. Great-Man Theory In order to get to know more about the theory of the great man, we should not ignore that this is a theory based on leadership. So, what is leadership? Scholars have defined leadership as â€Å" the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task†. To my personal beliefs, leadership is: a medium to an end, it is a very particular tool with which gifted individuals in the interpersonal field can either alone or together command, guide, and lead another group of people towards completing an established goal by cheering, supporting and setting a relation with the subordinates based on a strong dose of trustworthiness. Now, the Great-Man theory of leadership according to Winston & Patterson (2006) refers â€Å"to the idea that leaders possess innately superior qualities that distinguish them from other people, including the ability to capture the imagination and loyalty of the masses.† In other few words, that leaders are born, not made. Winston & Patterson (2006) also quote that â€Å"a leader achieves influence by humbly conveying a prophetic vision of the future† meaning that he resonates with the follower beliefs and values in such a way that the follower can understand and interpret the future into present-time action steps. According to Leadership Central (2012) Dr. Thomas Carlyle a true believer of this theory would say that â€Å"effective leaders were a package of Godly motivation and the right personality.† Under this definition, the same Dr. Thomas Carlyle, this time quoted by Lapham’s Quarterly (2012) included as great-man leaders historical characters such as â€Å"Muhammad, Shakespeare, Luther, Rousseau, and Napoleon† undoubtedly amazing leaders that shaped their time. But, other many scholars – and I think I am going to take their side – refute this theory. Although Cherry (2012) gives a different definition, and I quote â€Å"the great man theory is a conjecture aimed at explaining the history of the effect of the great born men or heroes: people of great authority, thanks to their charisma, intelligence and wisdom have used their power in such a way as to leave a decisive historical impact† there is a powerful contradictory hypothesis quoted by Leadership Central (2012) in which they say â€Å"Herbert Spencer one the most forceful critics of the theory explains that the great-man theory is a nativist hypothesis of leadership† and in this approach, leaders cannot be made, but just born. Of course, the leader nativism is highly refutable, cultural skills are by definition highly refutable and acquirable only through human interaction and an environment conducive to the transmission of knowledge. Leadership Central (2012) focuses in that â€Å"many factors in life shape the individual’s skills to lead† and I believe their in the right position, since leaders are a product of society, which means leaders are shaped by the time they live in and not the way around. Let’s take another example of a another so called â€Å"great-man’ leader. This time we have John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a famous character not only in his home country, but around the globe. His incredible abilities as a leader are not put in doubt, though the fact that he was this good just because he was born that way for sure are. Although factors such as â€Å"your up-bringing, education, experiences are only modeling your leadership abilities† says Lapham’s Quarterly (2012), a person’s background and circumstances may have influenced what they are, it is only in their hands the responsibility of what they want to be. Other examples to refute this nativism theory are Stephen R. Covey’s paradigms shifts and rescripting. Since a paradigm is the way an individual perceives, understands, and interprets the surrounding world, â€Å"a paradigm shift is a change in thinking when we gain additional insight and understandings† (Covey, 1989). Anything could influence the way a individual thinks, and this individual could perform a rescripting process, proving that a person does not have to be born with superior skills to acquire a leader scheme, but he can obtain them throughout lived experiences. Cherry (2012) explains that the term â€Å"Great Man† was used â€Å"because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership†. To make it clear, this leadership theory leaves behind women despite they could have innate abilities (I’m not saying this is the only ability they have) which is the basis of the â€Å"great-man† theory. For example, we have had great women capable of leading people, on the one hand the ex-prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher also known as the â€Å"Iron Lady† which is the longest-serving British prime minister of the last century. We also find Oprah Winfrey, who not only is one of the most richest women in the world, but named also as the most influential women in it. So, was Dr. Carlyle in the right position, or is it the time he lived that did not allow women to arise as great leaders? Earlier when I gave my own definition of leadership and said that leadership is a matter of persons who can either alone or together exercise their leadership skills, I knew it was not only me, it results that Winston & Patterson (2006) think similar to me, since they say that â€Å"leadership may be provided by a group of persons†. Having said that, we can now refute another focus of this great-man theory concentrated in that leadership â€Å"can only be exercised by one person, the great man† (Cawthon, 1996). While some might say this is true, because most of companies, countries, or firms have one person as it’s head leader, well this is true. But, let’s face it there can not be more than one president in a nation, there can not be more than one president in a firm o company. Although there is the board of directors, which is the group in charge of every decision the company should take. All in all, yes, according to Cherry (2012) â€Å"you can find more individuals as leaders than groups as leaders†, but that does not mean, groups don’t exist, to the contrary, they exist more than ever, and a good example of that is the music group â€Å"The Beatles† which you can say was the most influential band of the last century leading into a simple cause millions of people. You can find also groups leading millions of people to manifest against the violation of human rights, more recently the group called Invisible Children Inc. who â€Å"only employs 43 people but with its movement has encouraged thousands more† to spread the word about Joseph Kony’s crimes (ICU, 2012). â€Å"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has† (Mead, 1970). I completely agree with Cawthon (1996) when he says that many people, of course â€Å"scoff at the theory, because it is anecdotal and unscientific†. At the end, the great-man theory does not have any credibility, because even though the ability to lead is directly linked to one’s personality, the belief that leaders are born and not made finds no veracity. In our times, it is meaningless to think of it as a viable explanation for a person’s skills in guiding, since it’s been proved that the this theory popularized in the 1840’s but suggested much earlier, only took into consideration men born in a social status that would allow them to lead regardless of their abilities, from there the hypothesis of the innate leader. Nowadays that particular matter has been changed, since a person’s background is not judged but instead their ability to be a leader is highly paid. As Cawthon (1996) says â€Å"Individuals in every society posses different degrees of energy, moral force and intelligence, and in whatever direction the masses might be influenced to go, they are always led by the superior few†. In the managerial world, Winston & Patterson (2006) say â€Å"a growing number of leaders from different parts of the world are being formed† so do not let people fool you when they say someone was born to be a leader, because given today’s uncertainty many so called traditional leaders are being superseded by those with best abilities to manage people. So, you better base your leadership skills in what you have learned, most importantly in what you truly are and let other people influence you before you can exercise a bigger influence on them, because leadership is doing the right things. Do not ever live upon other’s expectations, you are what you choose to be, for that, being a leader is not being born a leader living what others have scripted, but rescripting your life and forging yourself through stimulating yourself from experiences and knowledge acquired in life. After all If your actions inspire others to learn more, dream more, become more and do more, you are a leader. REFERENCES Cawthon, D.L (1996). Leadership: The great man theory revisited. Business Horizons, 39(3), 1-4. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Academic Search Premiere. Cherry, K. (2012). The great man theory of leadership. Journal of Effective Management, 3(2), 10-17. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Academic Search Premiere. Covey, S.R. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people. Provo: Free Press. Invisible Children (2012). More about us. Retrieved April 14, 2012, from Lapham’s Quarterly. (2012). Great man theory. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Leadership Central. (2012). Great man theory. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Mead, M. (1970). Culture and commitment. San Francisco: Natural History Press. Winston, B. & Patterson, K. (2006). An integrative definition of leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 1(2), 7-14. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Academic Search Premiere.